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Animal Waste

Animal agriculture is a large segment of the economy in most of USAState . The huge quantities of animal manure generated by animal feeding operations (AFO's) can be an economical source of plant nutrients and a valuable soil amendment to Improve Soil Quality and Maintain Soil pH. Thus, manure can be a valuable asset to a livestock production operation if its nutrients and organic matter are recycled through land application properly.

Manure may cause surface and groundwater pollution if mismanaged. The key to a proper management is to determine the nutrient content of the manure, the percentages of those nutrients that are available to crops, and the nutrient requirements of the crop at a realistic yield goal. These three factors will help you to apply the proper amount (agronomic rate), but the method and timing of application will ensure the effectiveness of nutrient you applied. Best management practices (BMPs) will minimize the impact of manure on the environment.

Reduction of sludge, disposal of animal waste & odor control have inhibited expansion animal production facilities throughout the United States. The increase in regulatory requirements in dealing with animal waste solids has required growers to closely evaluate their internal process and disposal options. Through extensive research and development we have developed a selection process to identify superior microbial strains dedicated to the reduction sludge in the animal waste process, while also reducing the odors associated with such processes. BioGeno/ Amzyme 6600 seriesenzyme accomplishes these tasks with a delicatemicrobial balance that is very important for healthy animals.The billions of robust microbes contained in BioGeno/ Amzyme 6600 series enzyme thrive by eating the manure of pigs, cows and other animals in waste lagoons accomplishing 3 goals:

Decrease solid and sludge accumulation – The addition of these select microbial cultures decreases solid and sludge as it is the main nutrient source for these organisms. The microbes process the animal waste as a food source, with an end by-product of water and carbon dioxide. The use of BioGeno/ Amzyme 6600 series dramatically reduces the requirements for pump-outs or dredging requirements of animal waste lagoons.
Reduce odors – BioGeno/ Amzyme 6600 series degrades the animal waste, while not producing noxious by-products, unlike untreated waste. Substantial reduction of odors is seen by the introduction of this consortium.

In reality, even though the natural population may develop into an acceptable one over a very long period of time, there are performance limitations that only can be overcome through the introduction of superior strains of specific microorganisms. This bioaugmentation approach is an accepted and proven method of degrading a surplus of organic materials such as BOD. Because animal wastes yield a large amount of BOD prior to entering a water system, BioGeno/ Amzyme 6600 series is the ideal solution to decreasingthe amount of BOD found in sludge, thus making this product effective in complying with wastewater purification laws. These environmental improvements realized through the use of BioGeno/ Amzyme 6600 series lead to reduction of sludge accumulation, dramatic odor control, better wastewater quality, enhanced relations with surrounding communities, and most important of all, a healthier end product.

Benefits of using BioGeno / Amzyme 6600 series

Reduces labor time
Enhances BOD/COD removal
Effective and easy to use
Degrades wide range of organic waste
Contains no chemicals
Increases system efficiency
Reduces sludge build-up
Reduces hydrogen sulfide cost

Foaming, Triglycerides, Animal Fats/ Waste, Sludge Volume, Odor Sources, Proteins, High BOD, Hydrogen Sulfide, Starch, Ammonia

BioGeno / Amzyme 6600 series can be liquid or solid flowing powder available in 25, 30 lbs.